The New Reeder Twins {Lifestyle Newborn Photography}

March 24, 2013

My brother-in-law Drew called me up and asked if I would come up to Northern California and do a newborn session for my new niece and nephew.  From the moment we knew the date was set for Natasha to have the babies via C-Section I couldn’t wait to get up there and snuggle these two up.  But we had to work around Dan’s big business trip and when they would be settled into their new life as a family of four.  So when Drew called, of course I jumped at the chance to meet these two little munchins!  Then because Uncle Dan had yet to meet his twin’s twins and the boys were so excited to meet their baby cousins all of us flew up there about a week in a half later for visit.  Here is some of cuteness that I was able to capture on those two visits.

Welcome to the world Bryce and Lyla!  Your mommy and daddy waited a very long time for you two miracles.  Your Aunt Cee-cee was so happy to meet you and hold you little feather weights in my arms!

The first Reeder grandbaby with the newest Reeder grandbaby (Bryce is a few seconds older)!  My mother-in-law finally got a girl.