rad shirt {Long Beach family photographer}

October 20, 2014



This shirt is over ten years old.  Which seems extra weird since a five year old (yep five, FIVE, F I V E…just happened a couple weeks ago) is wearing it.  I bought this for my niece way back when she was just a little thing.  My niece is now 16 (yep sixteen, SIXTEEN, S I X T E E N…again how did that happen!?!).  I got it at a Paul Frank sample sale probably 11 or 12 years ago.  I’m sure I got her some little girl stuff but this by far was the coolest find that day.  It was too big for her when I bought it and I couldn’t wait for her to grow into it.  When she was finally big enough, whenever my niece would wear it I’d say I’m totally going to save it for when I have kids.  My mom saved it after my niece outgrew it and when I got pregnant she gave it back to me.  It hung in the back of his closet looking huge next to the itty bitty newborn clothes.  Now the itty bitty clothes are long gone and this is mixed in with the rest of this normal day to day clothes.  Now my oldest little dude is rad in it.  “I’m rad, you’re rad, let’s hug.”  I think the world would be a better place if that was everyone’s motto!  This shirt better hold up through two more kids and it’ll probably be over 20 years old by the time my little miss finally fits into it.  All my babies are going to be rad in it!

Rad - Francesca Marchese Photography

I’m radRad - Francesca Marchese Photographyyou’re radRad - Francesca Marchese Photographylet’s hug

or jump for joy

Ya know, whatever is cool 😉