Harbison Family

February 22, 2018

Harbison Family Session-  When discussing locations for their upcoming session, Kristen mentioned she was hoping for lots of greenery.  Well their family session was the first session to kick off busy family session season and I was coming off a run of lots of in home lifestyle newborn sessions.  I needed to get outside and see how my regular locations were looking.  So my littlest and I ventured out to one of my regular fall spots to see how what the condition was like.  Well El Nino had done a number on the site and it was nothing like it’s looked in the past few years of shooting at this spot.  It was amazingly overgrown with SO MUCH GREENERY!  Everywhere you looked was all this new growth.

So we established a location that fulfilled the greenery request – CHECK

Met them for their session and they were so fun to photograph.  There was so much love amongst this little family of three.  They adore their little girl and it made for such fun sweet moments to capture.  The smile on that sweetheart was totally contagious.  I think I smiled the whole time I was editing their session.

After their session I came home with my head in the clouds feeling great for starting off busy season with such a fun session in a beautiful location.  I was ready for a crazy busy next few months.  But then proceeded to walk into the corner of my bed frame and dislocate/break my little toe.  Not exactly idea.  My response when told I’d need to be in a walking boot was, “What for like 2 days?  Because that’s all I can manage”.  Haha nope try 2 months.  Everything worked out and my clients for the next month were awesome about me hobbling around in my weird black boot during their sessions.

Limited availability for Spring and Summer 2018 family sessions in Long Beach, other south Los Angeles counties and north Orange County

Contact me here to schedule your Orange County or Los Angeles family photography session.