January adventures – {iPhone captures}

February 10, 2013

Cole climbed up on one of the dining room chairs, found my phone and put it in a tall glass of water.  I’ve heard the bag of rice trick works well…but no such luck here.  Good thing is I was due for an upgrade.

A few things I learned…

I’m so glad I had all my contacts backed up in iCloud
I really should have had my own iCloud account, instead of sharing a common login with Dan.  Now when I look at emails it says WIFE instead of my name.  Also it’s kind of weird to call my mom and have MOM or TONI MARCHESE as the contact name.
That I’m going to load my pictures onto the computer more often.

Which leads me to this post.  Here are a few of our recent fun adventures when I didn’t have my trusty Canon on me and was happy I had my iPhone to snap away.

After picking up Alex from school on a rainy day

Weekend trip to Big Bear for Dan’s birthday.   We had such an awesome time!

The birthday boy should have stuck to sledding.  He hurt his 37 year old back snowboarding the next day.  Even though the snowboarding was cut short he still had a super fun birthday playing with his two little dudes in the snow!

My baby’s first time in the snow