Brand new Vivienne at home with her mommy and daddy for her lifestyle newborn session.
When I pulled up to their house I was in love with their porch. You don’t see porched too often in Long Beach or really in much of Los Angeles or Orange County areas. So I parked and in my head made a mental note to try and get outside on that porch to document the new mom, dad and their baby girl on the porch of their home. This is what makes in home lifestyle sessions even more special in my opinion. We wrapped her up and let Katie and Stephen beam with pride over the little girl that was going to make their heart bubble over with joy. Even managed to get one with their OG baby, their pup, on their awesome porch. Inside we made even more of the personalization of their house by photographing sweet little Vivienne in a set up on a table that daddy Stephen built. It was stunning and made for a beautiful background. Another example of the specialness of during a newborn session in the client’s home.
Katie and Stephen enjoy every minute of this little love of yours changing your life in the best way possible.